Featuring high quality, pharmaceutical grade herbs from Tibet and China.

Direct from the farms to your home.


Common Conditions Treated

Peripheral Neuropathy

Diabetic Neuropathy

Plantar Fasciitis

Cold Hands & Feet

Inflammation & Pain



Digestive Issues


Menstrual Issues


How the Foot Soaks Work

The herbs in this formula act synergistically to improve blood circulation.  The actions and temperature of the herbs will help the heart to pump faster – similar to going out for a walker exercising.  This increase circulation will help bring fresh blood to injured areas.  Fresh blood brings oxygen and nutrients to improve the healing process.

The foot soaks also help improve immune system function, enhance metabolism and improve endocrine function.

For more detailed information, you can listen to a podcast on the history of Herbal Foot Soaks here.

Sales of foot soaks help support not only the farmers directly, but a portion of the proceeds are donated to support the educational efforts of a Tibetan orphanage.

Simple, Convenient, Cost Effective

The foot soaks represent an easy, convenient and cost effective way for patients to improve their health at home.  In just 30-45 minutes a night, patients can speed up their own healing process.

The soaks are not appropriate for patients with metastatic cancer, patients who are pregnant, or who have open wounds/sores.

You can schedule an appointment today to have an in-house foot soak

at a cost of $50 per session or purchase your own at $150 for a 30-day supply.

You can purchase your own 30-day supply (10 tea bags) for $150 online now!